HRG 3.5

How to search:

  1. Enter a search term or code in the box below and click search.
  2. Please note this is not a full search facility.
  3. It does not look for the order that you have typed the words in.

Presentation of Results

  • Data is presented by HRG v3.5 code followed by a short description of what is contained in the HRG code
  • The specialty and its code within the HRG are then presented along with a a guide as to the percentage of day case and elective cases which would be expected within that HRG
  • Finally rough guides of length of stay (LOS) and expected mortality rates within the HRG groups are shown.
    • LOS = Length of stay - Mean(standard deviation) & Median (lower quartile, upper quartile)
    • DC = Days Cases - %
    • Elec = Elective Cases - %

Any problems, call me or email

Jason Smith
Consultant Surgeon


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